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Euphorbia Ingens | Treesjoint


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Introducing our Euphorbia Ingens, a captivating addition to any indoor or outdoor space. Also known as the Candelabra Tree or Cowboy Cactus, this striking succulent tree originates from Southern Africa. With its thick, upright trunk and branching arms resembling candelabras, it offers a unique architectural presence. Each branch is adorned with clusters of small, greenish-yellow leaves, adding to its charm. While it resembles a cactus, it belongs to the Euphorbia genus and features inconspicuous flowers and small, spherical fruits. Drought-tolerant and low-maintenance, this plant is perfect for arid landscapes and warm climates, making it an ideal choice for xeriscaping and succulent gardens.

Please note that caution is advised due to its toxic sap, which can cause skin irritation if handled improperly. Elevate your space with the beauty and character of our Euphorbia Ingens today!

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Euphorbia Ingens | Treesjoint
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